The Night of the Triffids is a continuation of John Wyndham's Day of the Triffids' masterpiece first penned fifty years earlier. Set twenty five years after Bill Masen took his family to the fledgling Isle of White survivor's colony, it deals with the continuing efforts of the survivors to deal with the seemingly indefatigable Triffid menace... Which suddenly have the advantage again when the world is plunged into darkness - a fascinating read, written with the approval of John Wyndham's estate.
Tight spine, unread, internally as new, free of markings. A great story from Simon Clark, this item is a must for any fan/collector of his work as well as lovers of Day of the Triffids. With semi-wraparound cover (see photos). Thanks for viewing my books, hope you find something you want, all items from my personal collection accumulated over the last 45+years, now need to move some of them on for various reasons to people who will appreciate them. Any questions please don't hesitate to send me a message.