Title: Little Plays of St Francis - A Dramatic Cycle from the Life and Legend of St Francis of Assisi - Second Series. Publisher: Sidgwick and Jackson, London. Edition: First Edition, First Printing.
Signed by Laurence Housman with an autographed letter. A very nice example of the first printing of the first edition. 7.75 inches by 5 inches.
The book is in attractive condition, with bright titles to the spine, and a little wear and bumping to the edges (see pictures). Signed to the front free end paper: Hales and Farewells! Aug 12th 1931 - Laurence Housman.
The letter is addressed to "My Dear Mrs Hales", and thanks her for "my good time under your roof". He goes onto describe a lecture that he gave at Bath including a reading from "'Gate of Death", your mother-in-law would not let me read to you, fearing it would be too gruesome. If she can bring herself to read it now, I recommend that she takes it not with a pinch of salt, but with a lump of sugar. We take great care in the packaging of all our books to ensure that they arrive as described. We have over 5,500 books listed at all prices on all subjects, with strong sections on Signed and Rare Books. New listings are added every day.